Berger, Leslie. “Annual Report 1967-68 SEEK Program The City University of New York.” 1968. Archives and Special Collections, SEEK Box One. Morris Raphael Cohen Library, CCNY. TS.
_____. “Annual Report 1968-69 SEEK Program The City University of New York.” 21 Oct 1969. Archives and Special Collections, SEEK Box One. Morris Raphael Cohen Library, CCNY. TS.
_____. Memorandum to Sam Grossman. 16 May 1967. Leslie Berger Papers. Berger family archive. TS.
Frost, Olivia. Memorandum to Dean Robert Young et al., “Re: Table Showing Distribution of Spring 1972 SEEK Student Registration.” 19 Apr. 1972. Olivia Frost Papers, Box 10, Folder One. Research Collections at The Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture. New York Public Library. TS.
Gould, Samuel B. Correspondence to John H. Hughes. 14 Oct. 1968. Leslie Berger Papers. Berger family archive. TS.